International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

As noted by the United Nations, on March 21st, 1960, in Sharpeville, South Africa, police “killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against the apartheid pass laws”. In 1979, the General Assembly put forth a plan for actions to occur in the latter half of the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. During this time, it was decided that each year, beginning on March 21st, a week of solidarity would be observed worldwide to support those fighting against racism and racial discrimination in all nations. This year’s theme is titled A Decade of Recognition, Justice, and Development: Implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent. (para.6-7).

Social workers are essential in upholding human rights and acknowledging the structural marginalization that racialized communities face in Canada. From colonial slavery to police brutality, social workers have a responsibility to serve Black communities and to oppose anti-Black racism. March 21st is a stark reminder of the injustices faced by  racialized peoples around the world.

As social workers in Alberta, we can use this day to acknowledge and advocate for racialized communities across Alberta.  For example, “Indigenous peoples make up approximately 6% of Edmonton’s population, but two thirds of those experiencing homelessness” (Edmonton Social Planning Council, n.d., E6 Number of Homeless Persons, by Indigenous Identity, section, para.2). Statistics like these showcase the systemic racism present in our society and the vital role social workers have in advocating for structurally marginalized groups. By adhering to the Canadian Association of Social Workers code of ethics, particularly embracing Values 1, 2, and 3 - Respect for the Dignity and Worth of All People, Promotion of Social Justice, and Pursuit of Truth and Reconciliation, we can actively contribute to the dismantling of systemic barriers and the realization of a more equitable society for all.

Written by SWAA member and practicum student, Isaac Towsley


  1. CASW. (2024). Canadian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, Values and Guiding Principles 2024. CASW ACTS. Retrieved March 3, 2024, from

  2.  Edmonton Social Planning Council. (n.d.). E6 Number of homeless persons, by Indigenous identity, Edmonton City | Edmonton Social Planning Council.

  3. United Nations. (2024). International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination | United Nations.


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