World Day of Social Justice, February 20th

Officially designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007, World Day of Social Justice takes place every year on February 20th. This years theme is “Strengthening a Just Transition for a Sustainable Future” and will “explore how inclusive policies can ensure that climate action leads to more and better jobs, reduces inequalities, and fosters sustainable development.” (UN, 2025). The observation of this commemorative day is a call to action for everyone to be proactive in identifying, challenging, and addressing systemic social justice issues. It serves as a reminder that social inequalities, systemic racism, and stigma continue to be pervasive and negatively impact us all, our communities, and the society we live in.

Social injustices deeply influence the mental health of all individuals in our society, both directly and indirectly and on a broad spectrum. One key aspect of social justice is the acknowledgement that some people are more deeply impacted by these inequities than others, particularly marginalized and vulnerable populations. Social justice work is not just the responsibility of social workers, but of individuals and society as a whole. Social workers do however play a unique role in the pursuit of social justice, as it is one of our core values; it encompasses our commitment and obligation to provide services that protect people from harm, to promote equity and reduce barriers for all, and to stand up against prejudice and discrimination of any kind (CASW, 2005).

Social justice can often seem like a vast and unattainable concept, rather than something we have direct influence on. While tangible social justice work looks different in everyone’s personal and professional lives, CASW (2005) outlines four key principles that all social workers can intentionally incorporate into their practice to take direct action against social injustices:

· upholding the right of people to have access to resources to meet basic human needs,

· advocating for fair and equitable access to public services and benefits,

· advocating for equal treatment and protection under the law and challenge injustices, especially injustices that affect the vulnerable and disadvantaged, and

· promoting social development and environmental management in the interests of all people (CASW, 2005).

This year, the Global Coalition for Social Justice will be coordinating various in-person and virtual events around the world to explore social justice with a global context. To read more about this commemorative day and explore the options for joining a virtual education session, click here

Written by MSW practicum student, Amy Prystupa.

Resources, Further readings and Events:

Canadian Association of Social Workers. (2005). Code of ethics

United Nations. (2025). World day of social justice 2025 on "“strengthening a just transition for a sustainable future”  


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