A Union Perspective

Supporting Social Workers Across all Systems: A Union Perspective

By a SWAA member and practicum student

Unionizing Alberta social workers will yield significant benefits, particularly in terms of addressing job-related stress, improving working conditions, ensuring fair compensation. Along with providing a platform for collectivism among the profession.  Research has shown that Social Workers face high caseloads, emotional strain, and limited resources, leading to burnout and high turnover rates (Farr, 2021).  A union could advocate for manageable caseloads, mental health support, and professional development opportunities, enhancing job satisfaction and retention.   Furthermore, unionization could help secure better wages and benefits.  Social workers play a critical role in community well-being yet are frequently underpaid compared to other professions. Additionally, unionization could strengthen social workers’ collective voice in policy making.  By uniting, social workers could influence legislative decisions impacting social services, ensuring that policies reflect the realities and needs of the profession and communities served (Muller, & Raphael, 2023).  Overall, unionization promises to bolster support systems in education, healthcare, and community services.

Read the entire article in PDF at: Unionization-SocialWork-2024jun26.pdf


  • Education

  • Healthcare

  • Community Services

  • Bargaining Power

  • Job Security

  • Professional Development and Training

  • Workplace Health and Safety

  • Legal and Advocacy Support

  • Solidarity and Support

  • Intentional Collectivism

Note that the social worker and practicum student requests anonymity.


Paid vs. Unpaid Practicums